Sunday, 20 March 2011

Blog Design - How?

So i'm struggling to find motivation to post detailed blog's when I have to look back on this god awful design, could anyone suggest how i change the design? I see people out there with awesome designs and I come back to look at mine and all think is wtf is this shit :'(

Anyway, was thinking about making some Retri arena videos before i respec my pvp to holy, I'll put the links here if I do :)


  1. I played retri pala in tbc before it got buffed. Then i switched specs when it became overpowered and everyone rolled one lol.

  2. i have always been a fan of dark background and bright everything else. but thats just me

  3. Hey man i am with layout sucks so bad...but its just the beginning :)

  4. Playing Holy paladin myself, don't respec holy. Its the worst healer for arenas atm. Retri is doing great

  5. It's really easy to change your design. Just go into the Design tab in your dashboard and there are so many options! Go crazy! I look forward to see what you make of it =]


  6. I'm new at this blogging too, spent hours just to make a retarded layout that i remotely like :) don't be ashamed.. and start uploading them pala videos, i'm curious to see if you can live up to your purported awesomeness!

  7. Played prot since they allowed pala's to roll horde :) was all i ever wanted from vanilla launch so i intended to get really good at it :P
